Import - Hours By Type

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CMI Timecard Monitor


The above programs are examples of time clock programs which can export data in a format we refer to as 'Hours By Type'.

There can be multiple lines/records for each employee.

The data is in a comma delimited format, with at least these four specific fields

'LastName' or 'LName'

'FirstName' or 'FName'

'TotalHours' or 'Hours'

'TypeOfHours' or 'Type'


If 'TypeOfHours' or 'Type' contains

'Regular' or 'Reg'

The hours are assigned to Rate 1, as regular (non-overtime) time worked.

'Overtime' or 'OT'

The hours are assigned to Rate 1, as overtime worked.

'Off' or 'Break'

Not counted as time paid.