Import - Medlin Format

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Medlin Format

If your time clock software can create a file in the format shown below, via their normal export, user setup export, or via a custom export format they create, your time clock data can be used by Medlin Payroll.

If you must have your time clock software vendor create a custom export, they will need the following information.



Comma delimited data.

Any file name and extension is allowed.

A file name with the date the file is created is suggested.

An example is 'TimeClockData-2016-06-30.csv'.

Let the user decide what folder to save the file in, and use the last folder as the default for the next save.

Medlin Payroll stores the last folder imported from, so if both programs store the folder information, the customer does not have to go through a folder pick list each time.

Quotes around the data are optional.

Column names and the field data are not case sensitive.

Stripped from the headings for comparison are spaces, dash, underscore, period, comma, and quote characters, thus these characters can be used, since they are ignored for comparison purposes.

Including the word Medlin in each column name is required.

Extra columns, as long as they do not interfere with the required or optional fields, are ignored.

The order of the columns is not restricted, as long as the required (and optional if desired) columns are used.

One line per employee.



Medlin First - The employee's first name.

Medlin Middle - The employee's middle initial.

Medlin Last - The employee's last name.

Medlin Reg Hrs 1 - Hours worked at the employee's regular pay rate.  Decimal format.  39.75 means 39 hours 45 minutes.

Medlin OT Hrs 1 - Overtime hours worked at the employee's regular/base pay rate.  Decimal format.  1.25 means 1 hour 15 minutes.



Medlin Reg Hrs 2 - Time worked at the employee's other/second pay rate. Decimal format.  39.75 means 39 hours 45 minutes.

Medlin OT Hrs 2 - Overtime hours worked at the employee's other/second pay rate.  Decimal format.  1.25 means 1 hour 15 minutes.

Medlin Rate 1 - Employee primary or only pay rate

Medlin Rate 2 - Employee primary secondary pay rate (if any)

Medlin Addr - Employee street address

Medlin City - Employee city

Medlin Res State - Employee state of residence

Medlin ZIP - Employee ZIP code

Medlin Tax State - Employee State Tax calculation

Medlin Fed Status - Employee Federal Status (M, S, 2, H)

Medlin Fed Allow - Employee Federal Allowances

Medlin State Status - Employee State Status (M, S, 2, H)

Medlin State Allow - Employee State Allowances

Medlin SSN - Employee SSN

Medlin Pay Freq - Employee Pay Frequency (1, 4, 12, 14, 26, 52, 260)

Medlin Dept 1 - Employee primary department (Worker's Comp Rate Code)

Medlin Dept 2 - Employee secondary department (Worker's Comp Rate Code)