Data File Names

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This information is for those who need to know which files are used by Medlin Payroll Software.


To backup the data, do not copy/move the individual files - use the built in backup function.


MWPAY.CFG - Setup/Configuration (company name, deductions etc.)

MWPAY.EMP - Employee Records

MWPAY.PRC - Paycheck Records

MWPAY.RPT - Custom Report Settings

MWPAY.TDR - Tax Deposit Records

MWPAY.TFD - Tax Form Data.  Preparer, signature, and designee information. Not backed up as it is not part of the 'company' information


There are also auto backup files in the /Medlin_Auto_Backup folder, and the Windows Common Application Data folder (this folder is usually named /ProgramData).