Oregon State Reports

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State Savers Deduction Setup


Saver Info (Oregon Saves Census Information)

This selection will create a CSV file for reporting employee census information to Oregon Saves.

Also shows a message on screen, indicating the file's name and location.

Oregon Saves also allows manual entry using their online process.


Saver Dep (Oregon Saves Deposit Report)

This selection will create a CSV file for reporting employee deposit/contribution information to Oregon Saves.

Also shows a message on screen, indicating the file's name and location.

Oregon Saves also allows manual entry using their online process.




Oregon Qtr eFile (Frances)


For assistance with the Frances process itself, refer to the help options using the Frances web site.

The file exported by Medlin Payroll is a comma separated file (CSV/txt)


The Hours field will likely need to be edited after import. Medlin Payroll uses 520 hours for employees with wages, but no hours entered. The reason for this is Oregon UI reporting calls for the hours worked during the quarter (rounded to the nearest whole hour), not the hours paid for during the quarter.