Illinois State Reports

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IL 941 WS/P

Select this item to view or print a worksheet showing figures to enter into the IL 941 online reporting system.

Also creates a file you can upload which contains the Schedule P data.

The schedule P data can also be viewed/printed by selecting the Quarterly Listing.



Select this option to create a CSV file to submit using the IDES 'TaxNet' process.

Medlin Payroll can be used to prepare both monthly and quarterly files.


Wages for employees marked as SUTA exempt are not included.

If you need to include those marked as SUTA exempt, contact us via email.


State Savers Deduction Setup


Saver Info (Illinois Secure Choice Census Information)

This selection will create a CSV file for reporting employee census information to Illinois Secure Choice.

Also shows a message on screen, indicating the file's name and location.

Illinois Secure Choice also allows manual entry using their online process.


Saver Dep (Illinois Secure Choice Deposit Report)

This selection will create a CSV file for reporting employee deposit/contribution information to Illinois Secure Choice.

Also shows a message on screen, indicating the file's name and location.

Illinois Secure Choice also allows manual entry using their online process.