State Savers Deduction

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Several states (and more on the way) have a required employer savings process. If you are an employer subject to these plans, Medlin Payroll can be used to calculate the deduction, and report employee information and employee contritions.


Setup Paycheck Deduction and Employee Contribution Rate

Paycheck Deduction

Click Setup

Click Paycheck Setup

In the Paycheck Deductions section, change one of the not used items to one of the Fixed Deduction items.

It does not matter which fixed deduction number you select

For the heading, use XXSaver (with the first two characters matching your state)

If you do not use the above heading correctly, the item will not be seen by the report process.

For instance, for CA, use CASaver.

Employee Setup

Locate the desired employee on the Employee screen

In the Fixed Deduction area, click the Edit button

Local the Fixed Deduction noted as being XXSaver (with the first two characters matching your state)

Enter/update the employee's rate

Enter the rate followed by the % sign


Saver Info (Employee Census Data)

Select this item, then click Print, to create a csv file for uploading employee census data.

Select the starting hire date.

Employees with a hire date matching the selected date, or later, set for the tax state shown on the report screen, will be included.

The tax state is determined by looking at the tax state of employee 1 in your employee records.

If you have employees in different tax states, setup a separate payroll for each state, so you are not mixing multiple tax states in one set of data.

If you would like to include employees regardless of hire date, select cancel on the hire date screen.

Note the file's name and location, you will need to know this when selecting the file on your state savers site.

The only item we require to be present, other than name and SSN, is the employee's email address.

Your state savers processor will contact employees via email, so the employee can set their own options for the state savers plan.

If other data required by the state savers plan is missing, such as an address, the file may be rejected, or you may be offered the ability to manually enter the missing information.

Employees matching the date and tax state selections are included, even if you have set the employee as exempt from the deduction.


Saver Dep (Employee Contribution Data)

Select this item, then click Print, to create a csv file for uploading employee contribution data.

Since deposits are likely due with a few days of the check date, you should make your deposits right after preparing the checks and uploading the contribution data.

Your state savers web site will have an online process for making deposits.

The file will include any employee, with the matching tax state, who had a deduction amount for state savers.



Before each payroll, it is a good idea to check your state savers site to see if the employees have updated any of their information.

Depending on the state, the employee may make changes, or accept automatic changes.

Address information (this is a good way to keep track of current address, in addition to asking at the end of the tax year).


Deduction percentage

Employees may stop their deduction during the year, then restart, to avoid going over their contribution limit.