Printer Problems

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Printer Problems

The old advice of restarting your computer and printer - power off, power on - still applies, and should be tried first.

Delete, then reinstall the printer (from Windows).

This will correct the majority of printer problems.

The most compatible printer drivers are found via the Windows update web site.

Having a new printer magnifies problems, as the printer's software is not as well tested as an older model printer.

Change the font to Arial or Times New Roman.


Incompatible Printer Drivers

Medlin programs need to read the left and top printer margins, and in some cases the paper length, to properly position the text on the paper or pre-printed form.

A few printers do not include the ability to properly perform these tasks.


Printers not supported by your version of Windows

Not all printer manufacturers update their software for newer versions of Windows.

Check the printer manufacturer's web site for any known issues.


Can I send the Medlin reports by fax?

Yes. Medlin can send reports to any 'printer' installed into Windows.

Select your fax software as the 'printer'.