Desktop/Laptop Software by Medlin

Price List
Our policy is to keep our prices stable.
Prices usually remain the same for no less than two years, and increases are in small increments.
Since our first program - released in 1984 - our price increases have stayed below the inflation rate!
Our next price increase will not happen before February 2026.

Medlin Payroll Classic: $79 per year (no monthly, employee, or employer fees)

Medlin Payroll Professional: $159 per year (no monthly, employee, or employer fees)

Medlin Accounting: $50 (perpetual license)

Medlin Accounts Receivable: $50 (perpetual license)

Medlin Software Inc.
PO Box 10372, Napa CA 94581
Click here to email us
Hours: 8am - 4pm Pacific time, M - F